TypR is a word game with Typescript (a super set of javascript) and the common way of noming things in the R community. The initial goal is to create a better experience with building Packages for R (I want them to be easily compatible with the CRAN’s requirements to be easy to ship). Indeed, TypR is not only a type checker but bring greater tool to build packages for datascience in genral and want to be an easy way to convert research paper into code. TypR add great static types and a flexible syntax with some cool tricks (metaprogramming) that make him great to work with.
TPG ShinyApp
The Geneva Public Transport (TPG) has made part of their data freely accessible online on their website. The goal of this project is to create a utility Shiny app based on these data.
Digital in the association sector
Associations are crucial for communities in areas such as sustainable development and leisure activities. However, they are often understaffed in terms of human resources. The goal of this project, which is a continuation of the ‘digital transformation’ course, is to create an app to encourage associative volunteering and facilitate potential matches between young people and Geneva-based associations using a digital platform.